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How do I know my home has MOLD?

Mold can be a common issue in homes and although it isn’t always dangerous, it can cause structural damage to the house and it can negatively impact your health when left untreated and undetected. The best thing to do if you know or suspect that there’s mold in your living area is to address the problem as soon as you can and call for a home inspection.

If you’re finding yourself getting more nosebleeds than usual, it could be a sign that there’s a serious mold issue in your living space. Frequent nosebleeds, you may also want to visit your doctor for further exams.

Here are some signs that might indicate that you have mold in your home.

  1. Allergic Symptoms from Mold
  2. Smelling a Mold Odor
  3. Seeing Signs of Mold Growth
  4. Signs of Water Leaks
  5. Past Flooding
  6. Condensation Toxic Symptoms from Mold.

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